regarding: Adaptation
    Mar 30 03. Static :: Now that the Oscars are over, news concerning the movie is nearly non-existent, and the DVD is due out at the end of May, the time has come to put this weblog to rest. I'd like to thank Susan for letting me do this here; it was fun.

Here are a few of my favorite posts from the past 6 months:

Susan says Adapation is "amazing"
Deleted scenes
Behind the scenes pictures
Artist renderings
The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle and how it relates to reporting
Adding to the pile
New Yorker review

You may also read back through the archives:

March 2003
February 2003
January 2003
December 2002
November 2002
October 2002
September 2002

or pick up the book on which the movie was based: The Orchid Thief.

And don't miss Susan's latest exploits here on and in The New Yorker.

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    Mar 24 03. Well, crap. :: Somehow, Charlie and Donald missed out on an Oscar for Best Adapted Screenplay for pretty much the most talked-about screenplay ever. Meryl and Cage didn't win either.
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    Mar 23 03. Cooper gets the Oscar :: Chris Cooper just won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor. He gave a very nice speech, saying that working with Streep on this movie was like making good jazz.
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    Mar 11 03. DVD with special features :: Just got a note from Susan about the Adaptation DVD. There will be a DVD released at some point with special features on it (in addition to this DVD, I would assume); she's working on a couple of them herself.
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    Mar 10 03. For the fans :: A couple of discussion groups pertaining to Adaptation have popped up on Yahoo! Groups. The Adaptation group deals with the movie in general while fans of Adaptation's dearly-departed co-writer Donald Kaufman can join The Original Donald Kaufman Fan Club.
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    Mar 09 03. The original and still champion :: Susan has posted the original article that she wrote for the New Yorker on John Laroche. Orchid Fever begat The Orchid Thief begat Adaptation begat this weblog. Got it?
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    Mar 02 03. Adaptation DVD :: Steve brings word that Adaptation will be out on DVD (cover art) on May 20th. Sounds like there won't be any special features on the disc because it will be part of Columbia's SuperBit collection:

"These are DVDs that devote the entire data capacity to accommodate higher video bit rates and two surround sound options, the highly regarded DTS 5.1 and de facto standard Dolby Digital 5.1. By omitting bonus materials, running audio commentaries, other audio (Dolby Digital 2.0) and language (e.g., French or Spanish) soundtracks, extra data capacity is freed up for the higher video bit rate, DTS 5.1 and Dolby Digital 5.1 surround sound tracks."

This is disappointing as Adaptation is a movie that cries out for bonus materials (and an odd choice because Adaptation doesn't seem like the type of film that needs a higher-than-normal quality picture or sound). Hopefully a regular version with extras will be out around then or soon after.

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regarding: Adaptation is a frequently updated collection of links, news, and happenings about Adaptation, a motion picture by Spike Jonze & Charlie Kaufman and starring Nicolas Cage & Meryl Streep. This weblog is written by Jason Kottke. I designed Susan's site earlier this year and she was kind enough to let me take over this little bit of it. Unless specifically noted otherwise, all text and opinions expressed on the weblog are mine, not Susan's. Welcome!
Adaptation is based on The Orchid Thief by Susan Orlean...and that's only the half of it. If you're interested in reading the pulp version of the film, you can buy The Orchid Thief at Amazon.
Watch the trailer:
Watch the trailer for Adaptation...
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RSS news feed
Offical Adaptation site @ Sony
IMDB listing
NY Times review of The Orchid Thief
Interview with Susan about The Orchid Thief
Buy The Orchid Thief @ Amazon
Being Charlie Kaufman
Being John Malkovich site
Buy Being John Malkovich on DVD
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